Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Change Log [2017/01/25] (Beta 4)

Here's a list of some of the changes that have been made to the various classes, since the start of the holiday break:
  • Archer can now Counter-attack against ranged; same Hunter ability re-worded
  • Acrobat using d20 to Power Attack removed; specialty basic attacks are now Reliable; Martial Artist's prone ability now works on unsuccessful attacks; Archer's reroll ability now works on any ranged attack (not just ranged basic)
  • Wizard's Magic Missile basic attack is now Reliable; Veritable Vision now grants Expertise to damage rolls
  • Assassin now gets training in either AGIL or Infiltration, instead of defaulting to AGIL
  • Rogue Tactics given archetype-specific effects; clarified how Disengaging works via Cloak & Dagger
  • "Warrior" class renamed to "Adventurer"
  • Adventurer's Defender ability changed to "1d10[exp] or 1d20[exp] for defense rolls"
  • swapped some aspects of the Fighter and Adventurer TWF abilities
  • Soldier archetype's power attack ability limited to attacks made as a standard action; Weapon Training's miss roll is now likewise limited; Weapon Training can no longer turn misses into crits
  • Fighter's Protection style changed to "allies in your maelstrom" instead of "Nearby ally"
  • changed some Guardian totem perks to require spirit manifestation; Blood Totem now does extra damage when you are bloodied
  • Cleric regains some HP when spending reserves in combat
  • Ranger mark damage changed to "advantage; stack if you already had advantage"
  • Bard can now Power Attack using a basic roll
  • Bard's "Leader" role renamed to "Support"
  • Necromancer's Animate Dead changed to allow for multi-HD minions
  • Warlock's minor action attack removed; Eldritch Blast iconic attack now targets a number of enemies based on the roll, rather than making a number of attacks based on the roll
  • Mystic's trained skills corrected to fit current format (oops)
  • Paladin's Holy Aura reworded, now grants defense bonus only on unsuccessful rolls
  • Paladin now gets training in either STR or Influence skills, instead of both (still gets additional skill training from their Archetypes)
  • Swordmage now gets training in both STR and Influence skills, instead of one or the other
  • Hexblade's Beguiling Blade changed to "roll class die in place of d20 roll" rather than "double roll and stack in place of an unsuccessful attack roll"
  • Changed the rules on stacking class dice onto d20 rolls, in the core rules; clarified mechanics of using a basic roll for a Trade-off

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