Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Class Showcase: Adventurer, Barbarian, Guardian (2023)

I've been a little bit overly scrambly lately, so I'm going to use this post to release some of the updated classes. Hopefully this will produce some conversation and feedback, on the chance that any changes or tweaks need to be made. I decided to go with these 3 classes in particular, because the Barbarian borrows its class specialization options from the other two.

If you click into the links, you'll see that these are the "2021" versions of these classes. Most classes that have been completed since the 2018 version are referred to this way; the classes which are still being worked on will be referred to as "2023" versions.

The Adventurer arguably has changed the most, going from previously using a d10; for a two-weapon fighting class, d8 weapons seem like a better fit, and d6 for an extra damage die seems more appropriate for a subclass (Scout) that often lends itself to being more like a rogue.

The Guardian split into the Warden (defender) and Shaman (support) subclasses, borrowing from the 4e classes of the same names. The Guardian class essentially uses animal spirits to bestow supernatural powers; the Warden bestows those powers on themself, whereas the Shaman causes these spirits to possess an ally. The idea is that the Shaman is a support class more in the vein of a Warlord or Bard in 4e, using their allies as a conduit for attacks and such.

The Barbarian is meant to be more akin to the Berserker class from 4e -- but not entirely mechanically similar. The general idea being that rage is effectively "striker mode" while not raging is closer to "defender mode." As a d12 class, the Barbarian is focused on melee combat, while as a d10 class they're also potentially a very heavy hitter.


Anyways, that's all for today. If I stick with the format of releasing 3 classes at a time, that would mean 5 posts like this in total, taking us to the end of October. If I have the handful of remaining classes finished by then, we'll be in good shape.

Check back September 30th for the next post!

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