A topic that's been on my mind lately is the action economy of the game, particularly in combat. To start with, there are 5 types of actions in TNP:
- Standard Action
- Move Action
- Minor Action
- Off-turn Action
- No Action
For those who remember 4th Edition D&D, there was an action type called "Free Action" which at first was unlimited, but later had to be limited down to once per round (if memory serves.) However, some powers were still considered to use "no action" and they tended to propogate as the edition crept on. The idea with TNP is to keep these types combined under the heading of "no action" but limited to once per round on your turn. Essentially, this would be the action type for anything taking place on your turn that isn't a Standard/Move/Minor; anything that might be considered using "no action" but taking place outside of your turn would probably need some justification, if it wouldn't count as an "off-turn action." I may tweak the names of these types of actions (as well as others) in the final text.
As mentioned in a previous post:
Move Actions:
Minor Actions:
Off-turn Actions:
No Action:
4th Edition D&D: Characters have a 1/round "immediate action" and a 1/turn "opportunity action"
5th Edition D&D: Characters have a 1/round "reaction"
The Next Project: Characters have a 1/turn "off-turn action"
Since these types of actions still generally require a specific trigger, I think this kind of setup strikes the right balance between availability of off-turn actions, and keeping the flow of combat from bogging down.
With that out of the way, I'd like to go over some of the typical uses of each action type.
Standard Actions:
- Making a basic attack (either ranged or melee)
- Using an iconic ability (such as other attacks or class features)
- Making most types of skill checks; some class features may allow checks to be made using different actions, but you are still limited to making one skill check on your turn
- Withdraw: Disengage from a maelstrom with more than one enemy; you can disengage from all enemies in the encounter, if you make a successful Acrobatics check as part of this action
- "Defend" action, granting a save bonus until the start of your next turn
- Perform any Minor Action (limit: only one of any given minor action, per turn) or Move Action
Move Actions:
- Engage: [while you are open] create a maelstrom with a number of open enemies, up to your engagement limit (dictated by your class dice) or join an existing maelstrom -- making a melee attack always causes you to become engaged with your target, unless you have "reach"
- Stand Up (from being prone) -- any other movement while prone will provoke opportunity attacks
- Take Cover: [while you are open] you move behind a source of cover, granting a save bonus
- Shift: disengage when you are in a maelstrom with only one enemy; you can disengage from a maelstrom with more than one enemy, if you make a successful Acrobatics check as part of this action
- Flee: move away from a maelstrom, provoking opportunity attacks from any enemies in that maelstrom
- Activate or change a feature with the "Form" keyword
- Escape: [at the end of your turn] You can make an Acrobatics check to escape from a grapple; if the check is successful and you are in a maelstrom with only one enemy, you can also Shift.
- Reversal: [at the start of your turn] You can make a Brawl check to reverse a grapple you are in
Minor Actions:
- Stand Up (from being prone) if you make a successful Acrobatics check as part of this action
- Tumble: You can disengage when you are in a maelstrom with only one enemy, if you make a successful Acrobatics check as part of this action
- Certain class features may call for a Minor Action, such as allowing you to make certain skill checks, or even basic attacks
Off-turn Actions:
- Take an Opportunity Attack, when/if triggered
- Feint: impose disadvantage on a saving throw, in order to deal opportunity damage back, if the save is successful
- Riposte: [when your saving throw is a critical success] deal opportunity damage back to an enemy who targeted you
- Intercept: [while you are open] on an enemy's turn, you can create a maelstrom with that enemy, if they make a melee attack while open, or if they move
- Fall Prone
- Take Cover [if you are open]
- Balance: [Acrobatics check] when you fall from heights, to avoid landing prone
No Action:
- Become open, if all enemies adjacent to you have become dropped
- End a grapple that you are controlling
- Take Cover: if you take another action which lets you disengage/become open
- Fall Prone
- Choose to power attack when making a basic attack as a standard action
Anyway, there's my list, mostly compiled from half-completed drafts of the rules -- plus stuff picked up along the way from various blog posts.
Hopefully I can find a way to nicely streamline it a little bit; if there's anything egregious that I forgot, let me know in the comments below.
Hopefully I can find a way to nicely streamline it a little bit; if there's anything egregious that I forgot, let me know in the comments below.
Next post is due for January 31st so make sure to check back around then!
With February being a short month, posts are planned only for the 12th and 22nd.
With February being a short month, posts are planned only for the 12th and 22nd.
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