Saturday, February 25, 2017

Change Log [2017/02/25] (Beta 4)

A couple more updates:

  • [Core Rules] Power Attack can now only be used on Basic Attacks that are made as a Standard Action (Bard's Sword & Sorcery may end up changing to Iconic Attacks due to this, but for right now I'm leaving it as Basic Attacks)
  • [Core Rules] Added explanation of Subclass/Archetype/Role into the text.
  • Wizard can now make ranged basic attacks as a minor action
  • Monk can now make melee basic attacks as a minor action, which deals additional damage; Monks gain advantage on melee basic attack rolls
  • Bard's Sword & Sorcery now grants advantage to one of the attacks, instead of advantage to one and disadvantage to the other
  • Fighter wording altered to grant Fighting Styles without needing an Archetype
  • Some Archetypes renamed to "Subclasses"; wording on Roles altered; Domains, Disciplines (i.e. Sage schools), and Totems are now treated as "Archetypes"
  • Adventuring Skills renamed to "Core Skills"
  • All class backgrounds adjusted to accommodate Power Sources
  • Re-worded the Domain riders on Cleric's Bless ability; War Domain's rider changed to only work on Basic Attacks
  • Paladin wording altered to grant Trained Skills and Power Sources without needing an Archetype
  • Bard background benefits tweaked; added INT skills as a Scholar option
  • Fighter's Two-Weapon Whirlwind clarified w/r/t making Brawl checks; also changed this ability to use a double roll instead of a Trade-off, using one roll for the number of attacks and the other roll for the damage (similar to the Monk's Flurry of Fists; the distinction between Trade-offs and similarly-functioning double rolls will be ironed out in later updates)
  • Increased Fighter's number of Reserves

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