Monday, March 6, 2017

Object of the Game (Beta 4)

After a bit of playtesting, I've been thinking about what the measuring stick for success should be, on a campaign- or adventuring day-level. Pretty much the only resource management in the game currently comes in the form of Reserves, which are a "daily" resource.

On its face, the point of this style of game is generally to get as far down into the dungeon (or advance the story arc as far as possible) before needing to return to safety and take a rest. But since we're not using a framework where levels, magic items, or wealth are used as the driving force of progression, the only measuring stick we have is how much content is completed before going back to "town."

Should the rewards simply be a matter of keeping score? There are a couple possible shapes this could take: rewarding players "points" either based on the number of encounters they have completed before going back to base, or by how many of their Reserves they have left after a predetermined amount of progression has been completed.

Either option requires some amount of balancing, and ultimately the solution may be to introduce additional subsystems to the game, to provide additional means of progression.

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